
A tale of digital detox: Living off the grid: what happened when The Drum sent one unlucky reporter off on a digital detox

An examination of an obstacle presenting problems for Britain’s rapidly growing digital industry: Closing the digital skills gap: why has recruitment fallen behind in the digital revolution?

A look at the digital challenge facing the legal system: Jurors, Google and Contempt of Court: is the right to a fair trial in the UK in crisis?

Part of a digital business series: How to get a job in digital: Brighton boom promises to create more jobs

A piece examining how a “windfall” of money awarded towards regenerating Rothesay town centre is distributed: What happened to Rothesay’s THI project?

Covering the efforts of Facebook page battling online bigotry: Battling Scotland’s bigotry: threats, intimidation and the online fight

Investigating what becomes of Facebook profiles after the demise of their owners and the issues posed: The social deathwork: what happens to your Facebook profile when you die?

An in-depth investigation into changes in the elderly care model in an area with some of the highest demographics of older people in Britain: Elderly care or economy care?

An examination of the introduction of a Sunday ferry service to the Isle of Harris after the intervention of European law, and the reaction of residents with strong Christian beliefs: Sabbath fight comes to an end on Harris as Sunday ferry service begins

A review for the Glasgow Journal on the story of a very special goalkeeper, Celtic’s Johnny Thomson: It’s a real fairytale story that had a tragic end

Telling the amazing story of an unlikely Scottish jewellery success story, Bonnie Bling: Jings, Crivvens, Help ma Boab – it’s Bonnie Bling!

An insight into one of the youngest candidates for councillor at the last round of local council elections, Adam Bellshaw: Bellshaw ready for the battle of Bute

A look at the Conservative-led big society and the Scottish social enterprise model: The big social enterprise

A profile written for The Buteman of rising musical talent, Rosie O’Byrne: Rosie outlook for rising musical star

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